In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies, one project shines brightly for its unwavering commitment to transparency, decentralization, and community empowerment. $TSUKA, a digital token that has learned from the past, continues to captivate enthusiasts with its unique approach and steadfast adherence to its core principles.

A Message of Promise and Progress

A recent message from Ryoshi, received on June 4th, unveiled exciting news that sent ripples of anticipation through the $TSUKA community. The message hinted at a forthcoming announcement that would introduce a new path, further leveling the playing field. It underscored $TSUKA's dedication to remaining untainted by venture capitalists and prearranged pumps. The message also expressed deep gratitude for the tireless work and unwavering commitment of the Sangha, the vibrant $TSUKA community.

View message from Ryoshi here:

URULOKI: A Revolutionary Nest for Dragons

The $TSUKA community is abuzz with the introduction of URULOKI, a groundbreaking decentralized application (dApp) developed by some of the earliest and most devoted members. URULOKI addresses the existing challenges faced by both centralized and decentralized exchanges, bridging a crucial gap in the market.

The Future of Decentralized Exchanges: URULOKI

URULOKI aims to revolutionize the decentralized exchange (DEX) landscape by offering an array of unique features and capabilities. Unlike traditional DEXs, URULOKI empowers users with limit orders, Active Liquidity Provision, and the implementation of innovative trading strategies. By designing robust pool dynamics that resist manipulative practices, URULOKI effectively neutralizes the ability of malicious actors to harm price action. Additionally, URULOKI transforms $TSUKA into a liquidity black hole, utilizing collected fees to buy back $TSUKA tokens, reducing supply, and enhancing liquidity. This ingenious mechanism triggers a supply crunch, propelling $TSUKA's value to unprecedented heights.

The Best of Both Worlds: Centralized Capabilities with a Decentralized Soul

Understanding the preferences of many traders who favor centralized platforms, URULOKI aims to deliver a decentralized exchange experience with the benefits of centralized trading. By combining user-friendly interfaces, the ability to place limit orders, and transparent order placement, URULOKI provides a seamless and secure trading environment.

Fueling Utility Development: Unleashing the Power of $TSUKA

URULOKI's launch signifies a significant stride towards realizing $TSUKA's utility phase, a milestone eagerly awaited by the community. Through trading fees collected on the URULOKI DEX, a substantial portion will be employed to repurchase $TSUKA tokens, effectively reducing supply and amplifying scarcity. This initiative bolsters the liquidity pool while ensuring the long-term sustainability of $TSUKA's decentralized nature.

Empowering the Community: Introducing the TSUKA Merch Store

The $TSUKA community celebrates the inauguration of their merch store (, a dedicated space offering high-quality products crafted from community-created content. Every purchase contributes to the ongoing improvement of the Dejitaru TSUKA project, funding new initiatives, and empowering the entire community. Enthusiasts are encouraged to apply through the TSUKA Operations Hub to become contributing product designers, fostering an atmosphere of involvement and collaboration.

Securities vs. Commodities: $TSUKA's Unique Position

Amidst recent rumors regarding the resignation of US SEC Chair Gary Gensler, the debate surrounding securities versus commodities has sparked significant interest. Notably, $TSUKA, alongside Bitcoin, defies traditional classification due to its deviation from the criteria set by The Howey Test. With no central enterprise, pre-sale, or entity to litigate, $TSUKA falls outside the purview of securities regulations. This distinction places $TSUKA among a select few cryptocurrencies in the market that can be confidently categorized as commodities, safeguarding it from overreaching government entities. As the recent message from the Tsuka Deployer emphasized, $TSUKA's commitment to decentralization and commodity status remains unwavering, reflecting its unique positioning in the industry.