Leonicorn is a DeFi platform that offers a variety of products and services, including a decentralized exchange (DEX), staking, and a new luck-based game called Dice. It aims to provide users with a safe, transparent, and user-friendly DeFi ecosystem that promotes innovation and growth.

Reward system:

One of the big features of Leonicorn is its reward system. The platform offers $CUBS tokens, which can be earned by playing games in the GameFi section. The volume of gameplay determines how much $CUBS tokens a user receives. The token release is designed to reward early adopters, with each 2,000,000 tokens released requiring more gameplay to earn $CUBS tokens. For instance, in Level 1 Stage 1, a user needs to play a total volume worth $10 to earn 1 $CUBS. This increases to $11 worth of total volume to earn 1 $CUBS at Level 2 Stage 1.

Leonicorn is also committed to sharing its revenue with its community. The platform has a reward sharing system where all DEX revenue goes into their DEN, and 3% of the DEN is released every 72 hours. Of this, 1.5% goes to the team, who burns the $LEONS and uses other currencies for production and buybacks. The other 1.5% goes to $CUBS holders, who receive a share of the platform's DEN. In the last two days alone, $CUBS holders have received roughly 100k USD. Additionally, Leonicorn burns 1.5% of every den payout every three days.

Leonicorn also offers a range of other exciting products and services, including yield farming, Launchpad, limit orders, multi-chain bridges, and DEX aggregation.

Yield farming allows users to provide liquidity on Leonicorn's decentralized exchange (DEX) and earn DEX token $LEON in return. The Launchpad offers an opportunity for projects to fundraise on the platform, leveraging their large and engaged community.

With limit orders, users can set orders for transactions to be executed automatically, so they do not have to be online to take advantage of market fluctuations. Additionally, Leonicorn provides multi-chain bridges that enable users to connect to multiple blockchains, allowing the transfer of information and tokens among Binance Smart Chain, Celo, Fantom, Avalanche, Polygon, Optimism, Gnosis, Arbitrum, Bittorrent, Velas, Aurora, Oasis, Cronos, Heco, Moonriver, Boba Network, Aptos, and OKC.

Leonicorn's DEX aggregation allows users to trade practically all tokens listed on all DEXES on the Binance Smart Chain through their platform, with an optimized engine that ensures trading is done efficiently with the least price impact, which allows traders to receive more.

The Roadmap

Leonicorn's impressive roadmap showcases their commitment to innovation and growth, and they have been making steady progress towards their goals. In Q1 2022, they launched the IJO (Initial Jumpstart Offering) on their Launchpad, followed by the introduction of Smart Staking in Caves. Q2 2022 saw the successful implementation of Limit Order and Perpetual Trading, while Q3 2022 brought the release of a Multichain Dex Aggregator and the addition of a Transactional Database on the hybrid backend. In Q4 2022, they made further infrastructure development and integrated Offchain backend Amazon Relational Database, as well as additional wallet integrations.

Currently, we are in Q1 2023, and Leonicorn has already fulfilled their promise of releasing their highly anticipated Dice game. In addition, $LEONS trading has also commenced, showing that Leonicorn is dedicated to delivering on their commitments and providing their users with new and exciting features.

Meet the Executive Team

Leonicorn's executive team is composed of experienced individuals with years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry. CEO Mofassair Hossain is an angel investor and veteran in the crypto space, while CTO Aravinda Badu is a Senior Architect with over 19 years of technical experience. CMO Scott is an industry-renowned marketer and angel investor with over five years of experience, and the team is supported by a host of advisors and developers.

What is Dice Game?

Leonicorn's latest product is a luck-based game called Dice, where players can bet on a randomly generated number between 0.00 and 100.00. To win, players choose whether the result will be over or under a reference number. The higher the chance, the lower the multiplier, and the lower the chance, the higher the multiplier. Players can use $LEON, $BUSD, $BNB, and $ZBC to play the game and deposit by clicking "wallet" and then "Deposit."


In conclusion, Leonicorn ($LEONS) is a promising project with a lot of potential in the DeFi space. With its committed team and innovative products, it is definitely worth keeping an eye on. If you're interested in learning more about Leonicorn, be sure to check out their website and follow them on social media.

Leonicorn has been audited by Hacken, Peckshield, and Certik. - https://www.certik.com/projects/leonicornswap